Heart Rate Recovery: An Underutilized Metric for Identifying Fitness and Fatigue in Athletes

Evaluating athlete preparedness for competition demands, and understanding how prescribed training affects fitness and fatigue parameters, is of utmost importance for applied sport professionals. Routinely assessing heart rate recovery can provide pragmatic, cost-effective insights for these evaluations.


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Early Sport Specialization Part 6: How Organized Youth Sport Affects Family Dynamics

The importance of physical activity in youth cannot be overstated. The myriad of health benefits that come along with physical activity, both mental and physical, are well-documented [1-10]. These benefits include improved self-efficacy, life satisfaction, cardiovascular fitness, bone health and strength, body composition, and improved cognitive and mental health [1-10].


Continue ReadingEarly Sport Specialization Part 6: How Organized Youth Sport Affects Family Dynamics