The Effect of Load Placement on the Power Production Characteristics of Three Lower Extremity Jumping Exercises The referenced article can be viewed here.Click for Downloadable Image Read more articles Previous PostJumping-based Asymmetries are Negatively Associated with Jump, Change of Direction, and Repeated Sprint Performance, but not Linear Speed Next PostDoes Training to Failure Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy? You Might Also Like Ketogenic Diet Increases Fat Oxidation During Endurance Exercise, but Also Impairs Performance 03/07/2018 Assessing group-based changes in high-performance sport. Part 2: Effect sizes and embracing uncertainty through confidence intervals 10/11/2022 Inter-methodological Quantification of the Target Change for Performance Test Outcomes Relevant to Elite Female Soccer Players 10/19/2021
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Assessing group-based changes in high-performance sport. Part 2: Effect sizes and embracing uncertainty through confidence intervals 10/11/2022
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