Presence of Spotters Improves Bench Press Performance This graphic has also been published on the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) website and can be viewed here.The referenced article can be viewed here.Click for Downloadable Image Read more articles Previous PostWake up and smell the coffee: caffeine supplementation and exercise performance-an umbrella review of 21 published meta-analyses Next PostWhat Dose of Caffeine to Use: Acute Effects of 3 Doses of Caffeine on Muscle Endurance and Strength You Might Also Like Does load management using the acute:chronic workload ratio prevent health problems? A cluster randomised trial of 482 elite youth footballers of both sexes 07/27/2021 Differences in velocity profiles between barbell back squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press exercises 03/13/2019 Philosophy in Strength and Conditioning – Clarifying Coaching and Training Philosophy 07/09/2019
Does load management using the acute:chronic workload ratio prevent health problems? A cluster randomised trial of 482 elite youth footballers of both sexes 07/27/2021
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