The Association of Hip Strength and Flexibility with the Incidence of Adductor Muscle Strains in Professional Ice Hockey Players
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The referenced article can be viewed here. Click for Downloadable Image
The referenced article can be viewed here. Click for Downloadable Image
The referenced article can be viewed here. Click for Downloadable Image
The hip adductors don’t get much love from most bilateral multi-joint lower body exercises. With unilateral lower body exercises, demands of the adductors increase, but relying on indirect stimulation through inclusion of a few unilateral multi-joint exercises focused in the sagittal plane is not enough to optimize hip adductor strength and function.
Groin pain can have a variety of pathologies. It’s extremely important to identify the root of the pain because the specific cause may drastically affect the appropriate treatment for pain relief and return to optimal athletic performance.
Designing and implementing testing and monitoring procedures to identify athletes who are at increased risk for suffering hip-related pathology is crucial for sustained, high-level, ice hockey performance.
Having healthy hips is an integral facet of sustained, high-level ice hockey performance. Due to their heavy use in the sport, they are frequently injured. The financial, performance, and time-loss costs can be extremely burdensome.
There are many core and hip-related injuries that cause groin pain in ice hockey athletes. Although the groin pain is real, a groin strain may not be the primary cause. Here are a few hip pathologies that oftentimes result in groin pain.
Sporting injuries can be caused by contact (e.g traumatic) or non-contact (e.g overuse) mechanisms in nature, with contact injuries more often being associated with extrinsic risk factors, which are out of the control of the athlete in a single, identifiable incident [1-5].